Motorcycle Social Distancing
Motorcycle Advice

Healthy Motorcycling in the Era of COVID-19

This dreaded virus has impacted every area of life. The workplace, schools, shopping, public parks, gym, movies, and the list goes on. Even places of worship have had to shut down for many months to limit the public spread of COVID-19. As this phase of the pandemic seems to be easing up, many motorcyclists are thinking again about riding. Is it possible to ride solo? Are there precautions that should be taken when riding in groups? Can we ride safely in this era of coronavirus? The answer is ‘yes’, but with careful precautions. So, let’s briefly examine several areas of concern based on the current guidelines.

Social distancing is the practice of maintaining a minimum of six feet of distance from other people as a way of preventing the spread of the virus. This guideline applies to everyone as you shop, bank, stand in line at the post office, and whenever you are outside of your domicile (I just like that word, it means home, apartment, your dwelling.). Since, under regular riding conditions, you would not be riding close to other riders, social distancing while riding your motorcycle is not a problem. However, it is a concern for two-up riding. As long as you ride safely and comply with the law, you can ride two-up with someone who lives in your domicile (oops, there I go again). You must however remember to follow social distancing once the kickstand is down for restrooms, food, and fueling up and while garage talking with other riders in the parking lot. 

Washing of hands applies to everyone, all the time, riders or not. Wash your hand with warm soapy warm water for at least 20 seconds (I sing the chorus of my preference “En Mi Viejo San Juan”, or another 20 seconds of the song of your choice). Pack a small bottle of hand sanitizer and use it frequently.
Motorcycle Mask

Facial covering is required while outdoors, shopping, in businesses, places of worship, and in public spaces where social distancing cannot be maintained. This could be a mask, a scarf, or a neck gaiter. Since helmets are required, motorcyclists should keep their facial covering below their chin and around the neck. This way your nose and mouth can be easily covered once your kickstand is down. This applies if you two-up as well.

Another precautionary step is to wipe down your motorcycle seat, handlebars, grips, and throttle and brake levers before you start riding. You can never be sure that someone did not sit on or touch your motorcycle while it was parked. Pack moist wipes.

Is it safe to ride my motorcycle during COVID-19?

As with everything connected with motorcycle riding, so much depends on how seriously the motorcycle operator implements safety and health recommendations and stays in compliance with the law. If you ride maturely, courteously, soberly, and in consideration of yourself, your family, and others, then the open road is there to enjoy. Enjoy this riding season and remember to always think safety.

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