Motorcycle Advice

Healthy Motorcycling in the Era of COVID-19

This dreaded virus has impacted every area of life. The workplace, schools, shopping, public parks, gym, movies, and the list goes on. Even places of worship have had to shut down for many months to limit the public spread of COVID-19. As this phase of the pandemic seems to be easing up, many motorcyclists are thinking again about riding. Is it possible to ride solo? Are there precautions that should be taken when riding in…

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Motorcycle Advice

How to Clean a Motorcycle

A simple & quick way to wash your motorcycle. After our three day motorcycle tour in the Adirondack Mountains, my 2008 Triumph Tiger 1050 needed to be cleaned. The windshield was covered with dead bugs, and the rims were covered with road grime. In this video, I explain how I typically clean my motorcycle. Supplies You’ll Need to Clean a Motorcycle: Water Hose Bucket Dishwashing Soap Microfiber cloth / Sponge Supplies You’ll Need to Clean…

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Motorcycle Advice

After Buying a Motorcycle

Every motorcycle needs to be serviced in order to continue providing its owner the pleasures of riding. Of course, newer bikes enjoy the benefits of warranties to take care of some repairs.  As motorcycles get older, then the owner has to rely on reputable service shops to handle maintenance, inspections and repairs when things malfunction.  For out of warranty motorcycle service, I go to Speed Motorcycles in the Bronx.   Finding a Good Motorcycle Mechanic I first visited Manny…

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Motorcycle Advice

When should you take your motorcycle out of winter storage?

All motorcycle riders are different. There are motorcyclists who ride year round, whether it rains or snows. There are motorcycle riders who will buy a used bike every spring to then sell it at the end of autumn. And some riders, like myself, let their motorcycles hibernate for the winter. If you’ve had your motorcycle safely stored away for the winter then you must be excited, perhaps even anxious, to start the new riding season.…

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Motorcycle Advice

Winterize Your Motorcycle

At this point it’s pretty clear that I own & operate my motorcycle on the streets of New York City. I do not have a parking garage for my Triumph Tiger 1050 so I keep my motorcycle parked outside… even in the winter! This blog is going to walk you through the steps I take to winterize my motorcycle. Let’s begin! Typically, I try my best to use my motorcycle all year round, but it…

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Motorcycle Advice

A Practical Look at Motorcycle Heated Gear

As the riding season comes to a close, many riders put away their motorcycles for the cold wintry months.  However, there are those riders (like myself) who brave the colder temperatures and ride year-round.  Yet in order to make those rides enjoyable, we opt for heated gear:  gloves, jackets, pants, vests, etc.  So, let me share my experience with winter riding. First, its importance not to minimize the latest development in insulated gear.  Insulated gloves,…

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Motorcycle Advice

3 Motorcycle Parking Hacks for NYC

*Disclaimer: Follow these parking hacks at your own risk* Parking a motorcycle in New York City is a lot easier to figure out than parking a car. However, I have 3 Motorcycle parking hacks that every New York City motorcyclist should know. Motorcycle Parking Hack #1:Every motorcyclist in New York City needs to get the “SmoothParking” app. Just search your current location or enter the location of where you want to go and SmoothParking will show you…

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