Motorcycle Repair & Maintenance
Motorcycle Advice

After Buying a Motorcycle

Every motorcycle needs to be serviced in order to continue providing its owner the pleasures of riding. Of course, newer bikes enjoy the benefits of warranties to take care of some repairs.  As motorcycles get older, then the owner has to rely on reputable service shops to handle maintenance, inspections and repairs when things malfunction.  For out of warranty motorcycle service, I go to Speed Motorcycles in the Bronx.  

Finding a Good Motorcycle Mechanic

I first visited Manny and Willie when their shop was in Manhattan. They impressed me with their honesty, professionalism and thorough approach to motorcycles. I later learned that they were helicopter technicians that had decided to focus on servicing all brands of motorcycles. So it was only natural that when gentrification forced them to move from the rising commercial rents of Manhattan to the more affordable Bronx, that I would follow along, and I have no regrets. They are simply fair and fantastic. I would recommend them to anyone looking for anything on any brand of motorcycle. They also provide winter storage. You should stop by and chat with Manny and Willie and see their shop, listed below. Let them know we sent you!

517 East 132ndSt
Bronx, NY 10454

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